Deadlines and costs blowing the defined scope, and quality doesn’t match the defined specifics and requirements of the customer. The project scope seems unattainable. Transparency towards the overall project status and a coordinated approach? Negative! What sounds like the horror scenario of every project manager is pure reality in some projects. A lot of companies therefore use task forces to solve suddenly occurring problems. This guideline explains how to successfully deploy a task force.
Transparency towards the overall project status and a coordinated approach? Negative! Does this sound familiar to you?
A lot of companies therefore use task forces to solve suddenly occurring problems, avert predicted crises, manage through crises, or solve special topics with a high focus efficiently. Used correctly, a task force is not only a chance to solve short-term problems and crises, but can also lay down the basis towards an improved project management in the future.
When do I need a task force?
The need for a task force can occur through proactive and reactive triggers. Proactive triggers are special topics and predicted crises. Reactive triggers occur due to actual crises situations.
Four key factors are important for a powerful and successful task force:
- Create an independent task force project organization.
- Enable the task force with the necessary competencies & room for manoeuvre.
- Use a resilient task force manager with experience.
- Make a conscious staffing of the task force team.
Watch out for the risks when implementing a task force
The task force should solve their tasks specifically and efficiently. At the same time, the organization must ensure that the task force is not prevented (unintentionally) from completing their tasks and that new problems don’t occur.
Solution modules for a successful task force
- Laying the basis for decisions and agreements with TRANSPARENCY
- Create synchrony and structure trough COMMUNICATION
- Provide stability and security through RHYTHM
Implemented in the right way, a task force can bring a significant boost for projects and organizations. Convert risks to chances and ensure a positive and sustainable change.